Scott Petersen a.k.a Scotty P Scott Peterson started with Nqpetro on 19th June 2006. His interests include fishing, drinking, motorbikes and horses. Occupation: Service Technician Star Sign: [...]
Annette Barkus a.k.a Barky Annette started with Nqpetro on 29th August 2005. She is often heard quoting her favourite lingo, such as ‘no drama cane farmer’ or ‘there’s [...]
Murray Blackie a.k.a Muzz Murray Blackie started with Nqpetro on the first day Nqpetro opened, 1st April 2004 (April Fools Day). Occupation: Senior Service Technician Star Sign: Pisces Q: What is [...]
Craig Cygler a.k.a Cygee Craig founded Nqpetro on 1st April 2004. His outside interests include, Family, horse racing and Rugby League. Occupation: Director Star Sign: Cancer Q: Who is [...]